Bollywood and controversies go hand in hand, and after the fiasco that stared at Nagesh Kukonoor when an amateur writer blamed him for stealing his script, it is now the turn of 'Sirf's' director, Rajatesh Nayyar and
producer Sanjay Katodia to face the flak!!
A novice writer Nikhil made similar claims that his story has been stolen and also managed to get justice from the Film Writer's Association as he got 50% remuneration from the producer and also was credited for the
work in the film.
But this is not the end of the story, as Nikhil now seems to want more!! Of course, as one needs to make it count when sun shines, right?
It is now heard that Nikhil has knocked the doors of the court to get
the full amount promised by the producer. "Yes, I have filed a case against Mr. Sanjay Katodia. The whole script is mine and I want justice", cries Nikhil.
What does Director Rajatesh Nayyar have to say for this? "Nikhil is an unprofessional guy as he did not even turn up half of the time during script sittings.
But as the law states that even if a person has
contributed 10% in film, he is supposed to get remuneration, and with due credit I have already started paying him in installments".
Hope that this long-drawn battle of words just ends!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008 12:35 IST